The Future In One Lesson
We know we are at the end of the industrial age, and we are trying very hard to enter the information age. So far the information technologies have just created faster industrial age functions.
The new age is coming - for more information consider the news article at Bastiat Free University's free registration and login page. There will also be plenty of small business and finance posts made to The BFU Journal - you will probably enjoy them also.
Personally, I have retired from most of my regular duties, including this blog. With a dozen or so web sites, I have to cut some of them if I expect to spend time in study and growth during my retirement. If you need a fix of small business advice with little self serving comment you can peruse the archives of this blog - there is some good stuff here that will not go out of date.
A quick self serving comment - but one that may be of value to you.
For over a month I have been unable to use a computer. The small business opportunity I outlined here grew by almost thirty percent during that period. This started as a test of their system, but hit break even within six months and continues to grow slowly and profitably with little further input. My total costs were less than $35.00, I expect in a year or two to be earning a few hundred a month or more for my small initial effort. Extra money is always nice. Take a look and a free trial if you wish - it is interesting.
You can find me at Bastiat Free University if you have questions.
Best to all,